Monday, July 25, 2011


Ozan très gâté pour son troisième anniversaire: des jolis dessins des cousines Ambre, Daphné et Loubna (et deux shorts arrivés quelques jours après).
Ozan is spoiled for his third birthday: he got a myriad of drawings from his cousins Ambre, Daphne and Loubna (as well as two pairs of shorts that showed up at our doorsteps one day later).
Un sweat-shirt exclusif designé par le parrain Julien.
An all exclusive sweatshirt designed by his godfather Julien.
La visite de Dédé qui a amené pleins de cadeaux (donnés la veille), une séance skype avec Annanne et tonton Ali et un gros gâteau fait par maman.
And dede's visit was the biggest present. He also came packed with gifts from Anneanne. We celebrated his 3rd year birthday together with anneanne and Ali dayi and Defne over skype. Oya was with us for a few minutes too!
Un livre pop-up du magicien d'Oz et des légos de la part de Vicky.
A live pop-up book of the Wizard of Oz and legos from Vicky.

Et un quadrillo de la part de papa maman.
And a quadrillo marble game from ma and pa.

Ozan passe des heures à jouer à son quadrillo!
Ozan has been spending hours in front of his new toy!

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