Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hammock / Hamac

Le petit bébé grossit, et sa maman a un peu de mal à le porter, ça lui fait mal au dos. Heureusement on a ramené un joli hamac du Mexique, dans lequel Deniz se repose tous les soirs.
Our baby is getting big! this new weight in the belly is giving his mom a little back pain lately. That's why we're so glad to have brought a hammock from Mexico that we installed in our living room. It turns out it's the best remedy for back aches!

Nos invités aussi apprécient (n'est-ce pas Fred?)
Our guests enjoy the cosiness of the hammock too (right Fred?)

Notre hamac est fabriqué a partir de sisal, un cactus agave voisin de celui qui sert à faire la téquila.
Here is what this hammock is made of: the same sort of cactus that is used in making Tequila. It's called sisal.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yuri Gagarin

Simge est de retour!!! Voila un mois elle nous rendait visite. Pour notre plus grand bonheur elle revient déjà nous revoir... mais pour 24h seulement (!).
Simge is back!!! One month after her previous visit she's back in the bay area and we're so happy to have her back even if it's only for 24 hours!!!

En route pour la fête de Yuri Gagarin à bord de la Saab décapotable de Luc. Il y a 50 ans Yuri volait dans l'espace, aujourd'hui la NASA organise sur son site un grand festival d'art, sciences et musique électronique (avec notamment Amon Tobin).
On the road for Yuri's night: a special event organized to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's launch to space. The celebration takes place at NASA Ames Research center and consists of arts, science shows and talks accompanied by electronic music performances (such as Amon Tobin). We go there in Luc's convertible Saab enjoying the warm Californian spring day with lots of sun.

Yuri's night

Très excentrique, très très San Francisco.
San Francisco folks are all dressed up for the event, as usual!