Deniz's mother couldn't wait any longer, she came back to see her little Ozan. We left the two lovebirds together and went for a weekend trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, with Jordane, Aude and Clem. We just had time to take a last picture of the little cutie before leaving.

Chartres Street, where our bed and breakfast Lions Inn was located. If you ever go to New Orleans, here's where to stay, we loved this place. Not expensive, well situated and the welcome cocktail is included.
Le quartier autour de l'hôtel
The hotel's neighborhood

Le quartier Uptown, et découverte pour nos papilles de la délicieuse cuisine Cajun.
Uptown, where our taste buds met the delicious Cajun cuisine for the first time

Le quartier français.
The French quarter

Dans un des nombreux magasins voudous.
In one of the many voodoo shops

Jackson square

Sur le bord du Mississipi
On the side of the Missisipi

Toujours le quartier français
Still in the French quarter

Visite nocturne de cimetière.
Nocturnal visit to the cemetery

Et bien sûr la musique partout, à chaque coin de rue, dans chaque bar. Que des groupes locaux, mais de qualité incroyable.
And off course the music is everywhere, in every street corner and every bar. Only local groups but all of remarkable quality

Bravo pour toutes ces belles photos(pour le cimetière brrrrr!)et quel final avec ces orchestres:à écouter sans modération.
Qu'elle bonne bouille il a notre petit Ozan, on ne se lasse pas de l'admirer.
moi aussi! Moi aussi!
Yani kusucem biraz daha haber almazsam ona göre!
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