So finally I decide to post my recent photos from Long Beach. I was there for a couple of days for the Biophysics meeting. The meeting was very good, but Long beach a little less impressive. There was nothing spectacular about Long Beach itself, a small town (a district of Los Angeles actually), typically American style with large avenues that become sort of sketchy at night, with sirens of cops and fire-fighters screaming in your ear non-stop. The only nice things were the beach and the heat (much better than Berkeley, although spring has also arrived here shortly after my return: we've had 17 degrees centigrade for the past 3 days :-))

Les photos ont toutes été prises autour du centre de congrès.
Some pics of the place where the meeting took place.

Au loin vous apercevez (peut-être) le Queen Mary, un énorme paquebot qui reliait les Etats Unis à l'Europe de 1936 à 1967.
In the distance you can catch a glimpse of Queen Mary, an ocean liner that sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967

Effectivement belle grande plage avec un sable très blanc , c'est un peu surprenant cette couleur!
Heu, peut-etre ca vient du rendu a l'ecran, je ne me rappelle pas avoir ete etonne en etant sur la plage :-) c'etait meme un peu crado :D
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