I have two legs, two arms, one head, a little heart beating...

de grands yeux...
two big eyes...

et un zizi :-) (suivez la flèche)
and a willy :-) (follow the arrow)

Et je me porte très bien.
And I am perfectly OK.
Et ma maman aussi.
And so is my mom.

Hi our little little and lovely grandchild,
Just now we learned that you are a boy... We love you and your mother and your father very very much.. The only problem for us is that we live very very far from you... Don't worry we will come to see you.... Your grand-grandmom (my mother Murvet)is very happy that you are a boy.... Everybody from Turkey sends love to you... Say hello to your mom and dad..
gros bisous à la future maman et au futur papa !!!
Portez vous bien... vous 3 !
Bravo!! il est entier, félicitations...Ne lui faites pas écouter trop de musiques étranges pendand qu'il est là dedans....sinon il aura peur de sortir (ceci est un message pour Alexandre) J'espere que tout se passe bien. bisous.
Bravo et félicitations aux futurs parents . Deniz est vraiment très belle dans sa pose . Gros bisous de papa et maman :-)
I heard about your wonderful news from Heidi and have been following your blog ever since. Congratulations on the little boy! Deniz, you look great! 8)
Love from Frankfurt,
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