Alex's cousin Fabien came to visit us a couple of weeks ago! His first big trip across the ocean. Deniz unfortunately had to leave to Paris and was absent during part of his visit so we had time to do quite a few things in her absence. The first weekend, we went to Mont Tamalpais over the ocean and the fog.
Puis construction de château de sable sur la plage de Bolinas.
Then we head out to Bolinas to construct some sand castles.
On remonte ensuite sur les falaises et on récupère le brouillard.
Before going going up on the cliffs where the fog meets us again.
Le lendemain, visite de la vallée du vin de Sonoma, et petite degust de Zinfandels.
The next day, we visit some wineries in Sonoma, and taste some Zinfandel of course.
Ozan fait son show au resto.
Ozan entertains his crowd in the restaurant.
Bravo Fabien le château est beau! Pour la dégustation de vin il me semble reconnaître le lieu?
Ah non papa, j'etais jamais alle chez ce vigneron avant.
Et voilà que ma mémoire me fait défaut! j'espère que la dégustation a été bonne?
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