Pas facile de se réveiller après la tété!
It's not easy to wake up after a feeding!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Picnic in Healdsburg
Thursday, July 24, 2008
More Ozan / Encore Ozan
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Back home / Retour à la maison
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ozan !!!!!!!
Vendredi 11, toujours pas d'Ozan, mais le corps de la maman se prépare doucement. On décide avec le docteur de provoquer l'accouchement le dimanche 13. La nuit du samedi à dimanche fût courte et agitée, ça fait bizarre de savoir quand va naître son enfant! Dimanche 13, 6h du mat, on appelle la maternité pour confirmer. "Pas de problème nous dit-on, venez à 7h30." Et voilà c'est parti! 9h30, intra-veineuse d'oxytocine.
Friday, 11th of July comes around and still no Ozan. yet the mother's body is getting ready (she's 3,5 cm dilated) so we decide with the doctor to induce the birth on Sunday, July 13th. Saturday night was a short and strange night, it's a bit weird to know exactly when the baby's going to come. Sunday morning, we call the birth center as instructed to confirm that we can come in for the induction. They tell us to come at 7.30 AM. And there we were, the mom started receiving intravenous oxytocine at 9.30AM.

10h, le docteur vient nous voir:"il y a un boom à la maternité, plein de femmes sur le point d'accoucher arrivent, et on n'a pas assez de place. Il va falloir arréter l'induction et libérer la chambre..." Sic. Bon décidément ce petit Ozan ne veut pas sortir. On retourne chez nous et on attend sagement qu'on veuille bien de nous à la maternité.
10h, the doctor comes back with a funny look on her face. She says there's been a boom of woman coming into the birth center in active stages of labor and they have no more beds available for them. We give up our bed for the ones in more urgent need and go back home disappointed. Pff.. Ozan really doesn't want to come out. We wait for them to call us at home to tell us when we can come back to start all over.
A 15h ils nous rappellent, cette fois-ci on y retourne, petit Ozan tu n'as plus le choix. 17h, autre chambre mais un goût de déjà-vu, on recommence avec l'induction.
At 3 PM, the call us back and this time we go back thinking Ozan has no more choice, he's going to come out this time. At 5PM we restart the induction with a feeling of 'deja-vu'

Le temps avance, les contractions prennent de l'ampleur.
Time goes by, the contractions amplify.

A 5h12 du matin, le lundi 14 juillet, le petit Ozan vient au monde. Enfin! Il est tout de suite réconforté sur la poitrine de sa maman. Voici sa toute première photo:
At 5:12 AM, Monday, July 14th, little Ozan steps into the world. Finally! He's immediatly put onto his mother's chest to be comforted. Here is his very first photo:

Puis il est pesé (7 livres et 1 once, soit 3,2 kg) et mesuré (19,5 pouces soit 49,5 cm).
Then he's weighed (7 pounds and 1 ounce, or 3.2 kilos) and measured (19.5 inches or 49,5 cm).

Et lavé.
And washed.

avant d'être rendu à sa maman.
before being returned to his mother.

Premiers portraits de famille.
First family picture.

Alors à qui il ressemble le plus?
You decide: Who does he look like most?

Friday, 11th of July comes around and still no Ozan. yet the mother's body is getting ready (she's 3,5 cm dilated) so we decide with the doctor to induce the birth on Sunday, July 13th. Saturday night was a short and strange night, it's a bit weird to know exactly when the baby's going to come. Sunday morning, we call the birth center as instructed to confirm that we can come in for the induction. They tell us to come at 7.30 AM. And there we were, the mom started receiving intravenous oxytocine at 9.30AM.

10h, le docteur vient nous voir:"il y a un boom à la maternité, plein de femmes sur le point d'accoucher arrivent, et on n'a pas assez de place. Il va falloir arréter l'induction et libérer la chambre..." Sic. Bon décidément ce petit Ozan ne veut pas sortir. On retourne chez nous et on attend sagement qu'on veuille bien de nous à la maternité.
10h, the doctor comes back with a funny look on her face. She says there's been a boom of woman coming into the birth center in active stages of labor and they have no more beds available for them. We give up our bed for the ones in more urgent need and go back home disappointed. Pff.. Ozan really doesn't want to come out. We wait for them to call us at home to tell us when we can come back to start all over.
A 15h ils nous rappellent, cette fois-ci on y retourne, petit Ozan tu n'as plus le choix. 17h, autre chambre mais un goût de déjà-vu, on recommence avec l'induction.
At 3 PM, the call us back and this time we go back thinking Ozan has no more choice, he's going to come out this time. At 5PM we restart the induction with a feeling of 'deja-vu'

Le temps avance, les contractions prennent de l'ampleur.
Time goes by, the contractions amplify.

A 5h12 du matin, le lundi 14 juillet, le petit Ozan vient au monde. Enfin! Il est tout de suite réconforté sur la poitrine de sa maman. Voici sa toute première photo:
At 5:12 AM, Monday, July 14th, little Ozan steps into the world. Finally! He's immediatly put onto his mother's chest to be comforted. Here is his very first photo:

Puis il est pesé (7 livres et 1 once, soit 3,2 kg) et mesuré (19,5 pouces soit 49,5 cm).
Then he's weighed (7 pounds and 1 ounce, or 3.2 kilos) and measured (19.5 inches or 49,5 cm).

Et lavé.
And washed.

avant d'être rendu à sa maman.
before being returned to his mother.

Premiers portraits de famille.
First family picture.

Alors à qui il ressemble le plus?
You decide: Who does he look like most?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
July 8th/ 8 Juillet
Et non et non Ozan n'est toujours pas là, et oui et oui Deniz va toujours au boulot.
Nope, Ozan is still not among us, and yep Deniz still goes to work.
Nope, Ozan is still not among us, and yep Deniz still goes to work.
Monday, July 7, 2008
July 7th/ 7 Juillet

In the spring of 1981, a woman desperate to give birth after a trying pregnancy, wandered into Skipolini's Pizza in downtown Clayton. Jokingly, the woman demanded that the manager give her a pizza that would make her have the baby soon. Seeing her desperation, the manager concocted a pizza with just about every known topping in the restaurant. The woman left the restaurant after eating the "Prego" pizza and went into labor that same evening. So began the amazing history of the first ever, the original, "Prego" pizza. We'll tell you tomorrow if this is bullshit :)

July 6th/ 6 Juillet
Nope still no Ozan. But we've been told that once he'll be there we'll have no time to even cook (Deniz has a hard time believing this) so we prepare some goodies for later.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July 5th/ 5 Juillet
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