Il est temps de vous parler un peu des "choses" qu'on trouve étranges ici aux Etats Unis. Donc aujourd'hui ça sera le "garbage disposal" . Toutes les maisons ici en sont équipées. Il s'agit d'un broyeur à ordures situé en dessous de l'évier, et donc la fonction est comme son nom l'indique de broyer toutes sortes de détritus qui auraient la fâcheuse idée de se glisser par le trou. En fait les americains l'utilisent quotidiennement car c'est la qu'ils jetent leurs épluchures de légumes!!
It's time to talk to you about some "things" that we find strange here in the US. So today it will be the garbage disposal. Here, all houses are equipped with one of these things. This is a trash grinder that chops into little pieces anything that happens to slip into it through its big dark mouth. Americans use it daily to grind up their potato peels etc.

Inutile de dire que ce machin fait un bruit d'enfer. Il s'actionne par l'intermédiaire de l'interrupteur situé à côté de l'évier (cf photo). Pour la petite histoire, lorsque Hervé s'est réveillé (avant nous du fait du décalage horaire), il a voulu se faire un petit café pour sortir de son pâté, et s'est tout bonnement dirigé vers la cuisine. Voulant allumer la lumière, il actionna le fameux interrupteur, et un bruit de tronçonneuse est subitemment sorti de l'evier :-D Je pense qu'il a eu au moins aussi peur que moi pendant le tremblement de terre.
Useless to say that this thing makes a hellish noise. It is turned on by the switch on the wall and this innocent looking switch which can easily be mistaken fot a light switch triggers the noisy monster. Once, Herve, who was visiting us from Europe, got up in the morning and wanted to get a glass of water. Naturally he went into the kitchen and wanted to turn the lights on. Being only half awake and unaware of the existence of out noisy monster, he hit the switch and was scared out of his mind with the noise of a chainsaw coming out of the sink :-D I think he was at least as scared as I was during the earthquake.
Autre petite chose à savoir si vous venez chez nous: il ne vaut mieux pas activer le garbage disposal trop longtemps, sinon tous les gentils petits bouts de légumes finement broyés ressortent par le lavabo des toilettes!!! Depuis ce jour où on a retrouvé des bouts d'oignon partout sur les murs des toilettes, on a peur qu'en tirant la chasse d'eau on se retrouve avec un gros caca dans notre évier de la cuisine :-)
Another little thing to know if you come to our place: never let the garbage disposal run for too long. Otherwise the little chopped pieces of vegetable peels come out of the sink in the toilets on the second floor!! Since the day that happened we find finely chopped onion pieces and parsley on the walls, and worst: we're scared to flush the toilets for fear of what we flush down the toilet might come out of the kitchen sink!
Et pis bien sur arrive le jour ou le garbage disposal est complètement bloqué suite a une indigestion. Les Dalkara s'en rappellent!
And off course comes the day when the garbage disposal had too much to eat and was found completely choking on large quantities of chopped gunk... The Dalkara family will remember that day very well!
Pour ceux qui parlent anglais j'ai rajouté ci-dessous un petit extrait de "Note from a big country" de Bill Bryson, où il parle de façon assez amusante du fameux garbage disposal. Merci Annette pour le cadeau :-)
For those of you who speak English I added below a little quote from "Notes from a big country" of Bill Bryson, where he speaks of the notorious garbage disposal in a witty language. Thanks Annette for this present :-)

"However there are certain things that are so wonderful in American life that I can hardly stand it myself. Chief among these, without any doubt, is the garbage disposal. A garbage disposal is everything a labor-saving device should be and so seldom is - noizy, fun, extremely hazardous, and so dazzlingly good at what it does that you cannot imagine how you ever managed without one. If you have asked me eighteen months ago what the prospects were that shortly after my chief hobby would be placing assorted objects down the hole in the kitchen sink, i believe i would have laughed in your face, but in fact it is so.
I have never had a garbage disposal before, so i have been learning its tolerances through a process of trial and error. Chopsticks give perhaps the liveliest response (this is not recommended, of course, but there comes a time with every piece of machinery when you just have to see what it can do), but cantaloupe rinds make the richest, throatiest sound and result in less "down time". Coffee grounds in quantity are th emost likely to provide a satisfying "Vesuvius effect", though for obvious reasons it is best not to attempt this difficult feat until your wife has gone out for the day, and to have a mop and stepladder standing by.
The most exciting event with garbage disposal, of course, is when it jams and you have to reach in and unclog it, knowing that at any moment it might spring to life and abruptly convert your arm froma useful grasping tool into a dibber. Don't try to tell me about living on the edge."
1 comment:
you know you are supposed to run the water when the garbage disposal runs...that way the noise isn't so bad and you don't destroy the machinery...
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