Vaut mieux pas que j'y ailles trop souvent, je deviens fou là dedans. Et celui de San Francisco est encore plus grand!!
The second hand record shop of my dreams!! Amoeba in Berkeley is just a short walk from our place :-) It's better that I don't go there too often, I become completely crazy in there. The one in San Francisco is even bigger!!

Ils organisent de temps en temps des mini-concerts gratuits! Samedi dernier on y a vu le violoniste/experimentateur/improvisateur C. Spencer Yeh
From time to time they organize free concerts! Last Saturday we saw an experimental violon player C.Spencer Yeh improvise some crazy tunes.

et l'artiste noise/experimental John Wiese, tres prolifique apparemment, et qui a collabore notamment avec Sunn O))), Wolf Eyes, Thurston Moore et Merzbow!!! Ca fait mal aux oreilles :-(
with him was playing the experimental noise artist John Wiese, apparently a very prolific man who collaborates with people like Sunn O))), Wolf Eyes, Thurston Moore and Merzbow!!! It hurt my ears :-(

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