Further south and on the ocean shore: Big Sur!

Big Sur est une réserve protégée, à cheval entre l'océan et la montagne. Le paradis pour les animaux qui, du coup, se sentent en sécurité et n'hésitent pas a venir se taper l'incruste: notamment les raton-laveurs qui savent ouvrir les toiles de tentes! On aura vu ce week end des biches, des taupes, des aigles et des phoques. On aura échappé au lion de montagne, mais par contre on s'est retrouvé nez à nez avec un serpent a sonette (sic...).
Big Sur is a natural reserve between the ocean and the mountains. It's a paradise for all kinds of animals who feel secure and are not a tiny bit scared of visitors: especially racoons who apparently know how to unzip the tent doors! We've seen plenty of dears, beavers, eagles and seals all weekend. We've also come across a rattle snake (phew..). We're just glad we haven't seen the 'montain lion'.
Big Sur is a natural reserve between the ocean and the mountains. It's a paradise for all kinds of animals who feel secure and are not a tiny bit scared of visitors: especially racoons who apparently know how to unzip the tent doors! We've seen plenty of dears, beavers, eagles and seals all weekend. We've also come across a rattle snake (phew..). We're just glad we haven't seen the 'montain lion'.
Oui oui c'est bien Deniz là haut sur la colline
Yes, that little dot on top of the hill is Deniz
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