Here we are back in Berkeley after almost 3 weeks of vacation. Fist we were in Boston to celebrate Ozan's birthday with his grandparents, then we were in Costa Rica just the two of us. We'll try to update the blog in the days that follow.
Pour son 2e anniversaire Ozan est allé au musée des enfants à Boston.
For his 2nd birthday Ozan went to the Children's Museum of Boston

Ozan a reçu une petite grenouille verte mangeuse de pieds, et pleins d'autres cadeaux bien sûr.
Ozan got a foot-eating green frog for his birthday as well as plenty of other presents from his grand parents, buyuk teyze, buyuk dede and nine from Turkey.

Également une carte électronique rigolote de papy et mamie.
He also got a fun e-card from his grand parents in France.
Et un super bon gâteau d'Anneanne.
And here's the chocolate profiterol he had as a birthday cake and Ozan showing his appreciation for it.